Horror, Black Comedy & Science Fiction Book Series

Dusks & Dawns
Dusks and Dawns is the first book in a series that features Jacob Miller, a teenager who has lived in the isolated and deeply religious community of New Hope all his life. He never believed the old stories about how the devil and his demons would invade their town and carry away souls

Prelude to Destruction
The sinful underbelly in New Hope is starting to swell and is ready to burst, while tensions in Hell are boiling to a head. What could Jacob’s prophetic nightmares possibly signify?

The Downward Spiral
Unfortunately, the wicked wheels of sin are set in motion. So, the once pious town is heading straight towards another Reaping of the Souls. But is it truly too late?

The Reaping
This is the culminating moment Hell has been waiting for. If their estimations prove correct, then The Shield protecting New Hope is going down, causing the God-fearing citizens to be completely defenseless and susceptible to another invasion.